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All About Mumta

(hey this is @imee just letting u know that... yeah i know this page is up on my site. i let mumta do it herself, if you think there's something wrong bout it, don't come to me, take it up with her. or if u want your own page up on here just let me know.)

Hello, My name is Mumta and I have a little story to share with everyone out there! First let me tell you a little bit about myself! I met Aimee in grade 9 computers first semister! She sat directly across from me and she would stick her head through the computers and talk to me and Adam . Then the second semister we had music together. Now in grade 10, we had absolutely NOTHING together and that sucked! So here is some info about me...........

MUSIC: POP --> boybands


MOVIE: Never Been Kissed

FOOD: Harvey's veggie burgers

SCHOOL: St. Augustine


BAND: The Moffatts

Qualities Of A good person: One who doesn't backstab, honest people, trustworthy people, loyal people, people who don't contridict or are hypocrites, not two-faced

My Friends














Kathryn...NOT!!!! the story will follow

Warning, Warning, Warning, This is a Warning to all the girls out their with boyfriends. This is the story of a girl named Kathryn Connors. And she a little affair one day. While in Virgina Beach she did something she should not have. And now is hated by many people.

I was going out with this guy named Adam Silva for 11 months included one break up and getting back together. Then he went on a music trip with a bunch of people including KATHRYN CONNORS. On this trip Kathryn and Adam fooled around and on top of that being bad because I was his girlfriend but Kathryn was DATING RAY--> ADAM'S BESTFRIEND!!!!! Sounds like something out of a soap opera huh??? Yeah so Kathryn comes back to town acting like little miss innocent and she breaks up with Ray for no reason. The next thing I know Adam was telling me that he no longer felt anything for me I knew better than that and I began to put the pieces to the puzzle together. My immediate thought was: KATHRYN AND ADAM........ Some of my goodfriends who were on the trip confirmed that it was indeed true, Kathryn and Adam had cheated on their mates. Kathryn was said that she was plotting this all along and Virginia was going to the place she would act on her plan. So right now Kathryn succedded in her plan and is now going out with Adam. She thinks she has won the fight and things she is all good.

page made. june 30, 2000.